Dear Fellow Tigers,

dexter-maryland.jpgWelcome to Texas Southern University where our motto is “Excellence in Achievement”. Thank you for taking the time out to learn more about Student Government and the 2022 – 2023 Pulse Administration. We are an administration that is dedicated to serving the TOTAL student and COMMITTED to reviving the PULSE.

The culture of our campus is centered around developing every Tiger to be successful in every area of their lives. Texas Southern is a university that leads our students toward exceptional experiences, and connections to successful careers.

This administration is focused on developing our students to reach their highest potential by providing them with all the necessary resources to achieve their goals.

Throughout our term, we are hoping to accomplish the following things:

  1. We will work closely with the University administration and the counseling center to implement a 1 on 1 counseling station that will be housed in the Student Center, making mental health resources more accessible for our students & develop the TSU PULSE APP.
  2. We will work collectively with the City of Houston to develop the initiative of renaming the Tiger Walk from "Wheeler to Tiger Walk Avenue (beautification and signage of the Tiger Walk and host an induction ceremony to formally announce the Tiger Walk to the City of Houston).
  3. We will host the University’s first Ted Talk on our campus by utilizing students’ talents to help develop and produce the event which will expose our students to high-caliber production, show-running, and public speaking.
  4. We will establish a monthly "What's the 411" Town Hall for all organizational presidents to create effective communication across campus and to offer the support that Student Government was created to provide.
  5. We will create an Alumni Series "Day in the Life of an Alum" which will be featured on our social media; creating a connection for our Undergraduate students to Alumni who are successful in their fields.
  6. We will launch Professional Fridays with SGA: Professional Fashion Shows, Resume Builders Partnership with the Career Center, and Entrepreneurship Series.
  7. We will curate an outlined Career Developer "Career Roadmap” aligned with students’ field of study with implementation into the curriculum, i.e., "Freshman Seminar"
  8. We will create focus groups targeting the creation of new degree plans that will support increased enrollment and a variety of career pathways.
  9. We will implement “Internship Campaign 1,000 in 1 year” to secure 1,000 internships for students through the University Career Center. (Implement Tiger Professional Mixer).